Monday, May 30, 2005

Available Light: Hiroshima

I've re-posted some pictures of Hiroshima from my short stint in the city circa 2000. Between them, Picasa 2 and Photoshop Elements 3 have helped me salvage a couple of poorly scanned slides, but over all I'm not too happy about the saturation of Velvia film to a monitor. See for yourself at Available Light: Hiroshima (the A-Bomb Dome pictures were originally shot using Velvia in a point and shoot camera).

Life Aquatic

The Big One has, knock bamboo, spared us another two days. Good thing I prepped my lessons for today....

To celebrate that the "strange clouds over Tokyo" (see last post) did not herald a major earthquake, Rumi and I went into the city yesterday to see Wes Anderson's Life Aquatic, starring Bill Murray, and Willem Defoe as a German in a Speedo. Bill Murray is in this movie - in all his movies - a little boy in an adult boy, which is a condition easy to relate to.

Late May, and the heat and humidity ("mushiatsui") still hasn't settled on Tokyo. The rainy season started today, however, and soon - I hope - the gekkos will be back at their perch outside my front door.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Waiting For the Big One

Rumi can home last night with the news that a particular kind of cloud was spotted over Tokyo yesterday, and that , according to some forecasters, this heralded The Big One (earthquake) that's supposed to hit Tokyo any time between right this moment and one hundred years from now.

"If they ARE right," she pointed out, "at least we'll be together."

Hmn. Romantic notions of using my body as a human shield to protect the woman I love aside, I'm not sure I wanna be around when The Big One hits. Government forecasts are that 10,000 will die in Tokyo when the quake does inevitably hit. Statistically, those numbers don't much scare me: 10,000 out of a population of 25 million seems like a long shot. I probably have more to fear from the flight I'm getting on next month. Or the pack of smokes next to my computer mouse. Then again, the tremors that do occasionally toss our little apartment like a ship at sea are very unnerving.

The idea that clouds could somehow anticipate earthquakes appeals to my overactive but jaded imagination. In a world where such a thing could be true, then surely other things that seem irrational in this materialist, consumer culture we inhabit could also be true. Like kappa and tengu, and other creatures from children's stories.

It would make the world a more interesting place to live in.

Maybe I'm too much of a skeptic, but I think I'll finish writing lesson plans for Monday's class just in case the cloud watchers are wrong.

But tonight I'll dream of bird-men riding dragon clouds over a sleeping Tokyo.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Recently I've been playing around with a trialware version of Photoshop Elements 3. So far I haven't got much past the crop function and the sliding bars on the Quick Fix menu, but i did manage to salvage a few under-exposed, poorly framed pictures from my days on Hokkaido: I've also added some new pictures to my current photo blog, Available Light: Tokyo, at . Check out the through-the-screen shot of powerlines I took last weekend with the new Photography Club digicam (a DImage A1 I picked up secondhand in Shinjuku).

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Act First, Think Later

Hint: I'm typing with fingers numbed by grasping for - well-nigh two hours - artifical climbing holds bolted to a wall in Kokubunji...

I have a pet theory about my personal learning style, and it goes something like this: throw yourself into something new. don't read the manual. don't watch the instruction video. "just do it,"as Phil Knight would have us believe.

But then, step back a moment. take a break. let all that work your forebrain has been doing, all that exertion your body has been making, let it all naturalize in your system as you go about other business, like ruining peoples' lives with report cards. Your subconscious will do the work for you.

And when you come back to whatver it is that you're trying to do, you will have figured out what works and what doesn't "naturally" - though a part of you has, in fact, been working around the clock to help you make it - whatever "it" is, whether it's speaking a new language or cimb a new route or break the ice with the cute girl who always sits two tables over at Starbucks - look easy.

Case in point: every Monday and Friday for about six months now I've gone climbing at the B-Pump climbing gym in Kokubunji. In that time I have (thankfully) moved from the "pink" routes to the orange, and have been struggling with the light greens for about a month. Each new colour feels like the end of a career, a plateau of endless vistas with no way off but down. In a month I nailed only two light green routes. Until tonight.

Last Friday, when I should have been climbing or writing or taking pictures of otherwise engaged in wholesome activity, I attended a teacher drinking party "up the road" at the local izakaya. The break in routine was such a shock to the system that I had insomnia all sunday night: not a wink. Being exhaused left me susceptible to the seasonal affected disorder that strikes many this time of year, as the rainy season comes on and the nights are as sticky as the inside of a rice cooker. Being SAD left me too weak to get my marks in on time, which meant I was under pressure all dya today to finish the report cards on which my studewnts' promising futures so much depend.

So, exhausted, sick, stressed, and out of practice I hit the wall tonight - and nailed three new green routes and made progress on my nemesis, a little striped number on a far wall which requires the body control of a jedi.

Oh yeah, and Jake finally broke thr ice with the hottest female climber in the place.

Lesson learned: act first, think later.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Why study history?

a) Because it's there.
b) Chicks dig it.
c) It's on the exam.
d) "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." (George Santayana)

Nicholas D. Kristof of The New York Times draws a parallel between the ancient city of Kaifeng, one-time "capital of the world," with modern New York City. Also click on the multimedia presentation "Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson."

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Where is the love?

One of the best things about the small international high school where I teach - in a suburb of Tokyo, for those of you keeping track - is the degree to which the students accept each other. In part this may be a product of circumstance, as many of our students come to us after failing to integrate into the tightly constrained mainstream of a Japanese public school. In our little corner of Saitama students have learned to accept each other with their differences intact, and this spirit of acceptance crosses ethnic divisions, even the traditional tension between Japanese and ethnic Koreans.

After three years of teaching in this climate of tolerance I had accepted it as the norm, as though our school were the mainstream, instead of a refuge from it.

So it was surprising and upsetting when one of the Korean boys in my Grade 11 ESL class missed class on Thursday because, as it turned out, he was assaulted on the morning train by a young, drunken salaryman (at 8:30) who took issue with his Korean-ness. The student did make it - eventually - shaken but unbloodied to school, but only after police intervention.

Maybe it's the recent fuss in China about Japan's revisionist middle school history textbooks. Or maybe this salaryman lost a girl to a Korean. Or maybe he was just born bad. Whatever the motive, this sudden, ugly intrusion of outside problems shook up our little enclave. I expect that our students will deal with this crisis the way the seem to resolve must such crises: with a kind of collective consciousness that, its maturity and consideration, puts the adult world to shame.

Rumi tells me that there's an urban legend afloat in Tokyo that Korean students in Japan will rise up and exact revenge on the Japanese for the abuses they've suffered here. Add that to "The Big One" we're waiting for. And the possibility that Mt. Fuji may come back to life one day....